Local Projects

Do you have some free time and desire to improve your community during school time and vacations? We know that it is not always easy to find time to do everything we want, but dedicating a few hours to volunteering in different projects is a very beneficial experience that allows you to promote change within your community, in order to improve the status quo. Volunteering also improves your soft skills, which is highly valued by employers, so at the same time you are improving your CV. On this page we leave you some suggestion to volunteer in your home country.

Local Organisations

From our experience, most regions have different organisations that work in multiple fields, such as cultural, environmental, development, among others. In case you didn’t find a place where you can volunteer, we advise you to contact your municipality, since they will know about organisations close to where you live.

Online Volunteering

If you would like to volunteer online, we have some options in the Youth Cluster platform – EU Aid and UN Online Volunteers, nevertheless there are organisations based in other countries who might accept you as an online volunteer. Check out Salto-Youth and we are sure that you will find some organisation that suits you!

Solidarity Projects

The Solidarity Projects from the European Solidarity Corps aim to give young Europeans the power to find societal challenges and implement their own solutions. Through this programme your group will receive financial support and guidance to implement your solidarity activities, that should last between 2 and 12 months.

F.A.Q. Local Projects